Splenda, Sweet N Low, Stevia, Sugar in the Raw, with so many options, WHICH DO YOU CHOOSE? 

Sugar substitutes were originally created by accident in 1879, when two Johns Hopkins University scientists hoping to find a miracle drug discovered saccharin instead, a non-caloric coal-tar derivative that is 300 times sweeter than sugar.   

That sounds great right?  Something sweeter than sugar with zero calories?  

Everything was peachy until news broke that the F.D.A. removed saccharin (a chemical in Sweet n' Low) from its "Safe List" and put temporary limits on its use do to studies suggesting it may lead to the development of cancer. 

Bu then in 2000, WHAT DO YOU KNOW, saccharin was allowed back on the shelves in the US when research was determined inconclusive and irrelevant to the times. (c'mon guys it's a money making industry)

So what’s the verdict?  Are they safe? Where do we stand TODAY?

According to the National Cancer Institute, there is no strong evidence that artificial sweeteners cause cancer in humans.  

A new study suggests however, that the lack of calories could also have a counterintuitive effect on the body.  This means that a body can become confused when consuming real sugar at a later  time and may not release insulin (the hormone that regulates blood sugar and blood pressure),  which can in effect be harmful to your metabolism and potentially lead to weight gain in the future.  

So the best advice: try to limit your added sugar intake as well as your zero-calorie sweetener intake, and if you ARE craving sweets, eat fruit or other wholesome food with natural sugars!!! 

Comments welcome.


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